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Drilled wells

  • Accessibility to our drilled wells contributes to women empowerment with reduced work loads.

  • Children can focus on their education and play, instead of walking miles to get unsafe water

  • Safe drinking water reduces the frequency of water-related diseases

  • 8,000+ villagers now have access to sustainable water sources

What do we do?

We seek to provide clean, healthy and drinkable water to places of need, which are the rural areas of Burkina Faso.  Land and drilling locations are gifted from the village leaders; wells are drilled to provide water for more than 500 families without running dry and water is tested before being used. It definitely impact a family life, health and allow students to be more successful.

How do we do it?

This being one of the most expensive programs, we continually seek partnerships with water experts who have drilling equipment in Burkina; in addition, we organize fundraiser and take donations to drill.

Drilling a well requires the active participation of the villagers during the drilling for sands and in caring for it by trained people after the drilling.

Why do we do it?

In the beautiful landlocked country of Burkina Faso, more than 3.4 million people lack access to clean water; more than 82% of the population do not have access to improve sanitation and data show that more than 20,000 children die each year from water related diseases.

Having a well in the village means that the number of water related diseases would drop significantly.  This opportunity means that we are going to increase school attendance. Many children particularly girls will have more time to study and will not have to walk 3 to 4 miles many times per day to go get water. Furthermore, a well reduces the risks of those girls being attacked on the road, raped, abducted and trafficked. Mothers will have more time for household needs such as cooking and caring for the little ones.