The First Seeds of Teêbo.
The seeds for Teêbo were planted in a lesson a father gave his son on Christmas day in 2005.
Instead of getting presents that year, the 16-year-old got an opportunity to serve. His father decided to give a small sum of money to two neighboring families, and the young man, whose name was PSam, was to personally deliver it.
The first family was a widow with seven orphans. Upon receiving the money the widow and her seven children were so overjoyed and touched that they began to pray and bless PSam. The next family responded in the same way.
And as these families prayed and thanked PSam, he was surprised to find that the initial bitterness and disappointment of not receiving a gift was being replaced with joy. He witnessed firsthand the impact of generosity, and how even the smallest action can have a large impact.
But his generosity didn’t stop there. A burden was placed on his heart for the entire nation of Burkina Faso, and three years later, when PSam moved to the US he began supporting pastors and missionary back home. Then in 2011 through the blessings and grace of God, PSam started Teêbo, a nonprofit organization designed to provide humanitarian aid, education, and the gospel to the people of Burkina Faso.
The Teêbo Team