A force for change, transforming the lives of sixth-graders:

  • Significantly increases the success rate of rural sixth-graders in the National Exam (e.g., from 30% to 98%)

  • Elevates the future of Burkina Faso through education

  • Ensures continued education of the students by defying the odds

What do we do?

Teêbo has developed an equitable six-month national exam preparation program for disadvantaged rural sixth-graders. The Exam Prep Program helps the students pass the National Exam and continue their educational journey.

How do we do it?

  • Partner with under-performing schools in under-served communities

  • Engage with students, teachers, families, and villagers to identify barriers to success

  • Provide scholarships, tutoring, meals, school supplies, classroom resources, solar panels for night studies, and renovate schools

Why do we do it?

In Burkina Faso, passing a critical sixth-grade national exam is the gateway to seventh grade, but many students, especially in rural villages, face failure and dropout. The nation's educational ranking was last globally, with four out of five people unable to read and the average Burkinabé receiving just six years of education.

We represent hope by providing educational opportunities. We believe in empowering the next generation through education, igniting their potential, and shaping a brighter future marked by equity and equality.